
Alternative Education Teachers

Page history last edited by Jen Calipari 12 years, 6 months ago
  • @thenewtag Blog: http://thenewtag.wordpress.com/  - Melissa Tran - After nearly 20 years of teaching, counseling and administering programs for at risk youth, I now consult and focus on helping to make schools more positive places for kids to be. Areas of expertise include leveraging peer pressure to create safe, supportive, positive student cultures, teaching skills to change behavior (conflict resolution, peer mediation, effective communication, problem solving, teamwork, empathy, self awareness, self-assessment, reflection and personal planning), imbedding 21st Century Skills training, using project based learning to shape the school community, effective student and classroom management. I develop and customize presentations, workshops, conferences, resources, tools and technical assistance models based on client needs. I love to collaborate and <3 my PLN, and especially enjoy supporting new teachers as they build their practice! Shoot me a note! melissa.tran@mac.com
  • @drkpking- Dr. Kathy King -Keynote speaker, author, coach, and professor.... my alias is really Geek Goddess Explore Learning, Living and Tech through this prof's twitter stream. Your premiere faculty coach!
  • dobrien917  Blog: Lifelong Learning 2.0  I work at a K-12 Charter School in California, with Independent Study/Homeschool Academy options. 
  • California Continuation High Schools are unique.  Lets talk to each other during the economic chaos and become a more united front for our students.
  • bethstill    Blog: Nebraska Change Agent   I teach social studies at a small alternative high school in western Nebraska. Most of my students are in 11th and 12th grade.  I also teach online classes to students who are still enrolled in their traditional high school, but who need to take a class online for one reason or another.
  • bksmith  I teach English at an alternative high school in Western Nebraska.  I also teach online English classes. 


  • MissBartel - teaching in an inner school setting - grade 5/6 - chilliwack bc


  •  bosoxfan9819 I teach 6th grade (all subjects) at a 6 - 12 charter school in Pennsylvania for at-risk students.  I am also an IEP case manager, educational technology mentor and classroom management mentor. Cleaning Supplies                     
  • emlymom  I teach science in a continuation high school in Southern California.  
  • Mary Rice Boothe (@edu_traveler)Teleserye: Educational Consultant based in New York City. Focus on developing professional learning communities; principal coaching; new teacher development and strategic planning. Specialize in 16-24, dropout population. Appeals Lawyer Albany               

Comments (2)

behaviorworks said

at 6:39 pm on Nov 16, 2010

@mborn2bfree2 I'm a counselor for special populations including students who are "emotionally disturbed" I do small group and individual supportive counseling. My focus is to help kids with those behaviors that impede their academic success

Monika Szelag said

at 4:58 pm on Jan 23, 2011

@ESOL_teacher I am an ESOL / EFL teacher interested in the area of technology in language teaching and CALL. I am a Moodler and I am doing MSc in TESOL @ Queen's University in Belfast, Northern Ireland. I am new to blogging and Twitter.

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