
Computer Science Teachers

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Computer Science Teachers:



Comments (7)

James Ashton said

at 2:37 pm on Mar 18, 2009

James Ashton - james@jamesashton.co.cc - ICT teacher Seconday Teacher / ICT Specialist Primary Teacher.

Daniel Moix said

at 2:38 pm on Apr 21, 2009


For younger students you can always do some of the activities from Computer Science Unplugged. Check it out! http://csunplugged.org/

Nelly Cardinale said

at 12:14 pm on Jun 1, 2009

If you teach Computer Science at the higher education level, be sure to also add yourself to the category, "College-University'.

Elaine Mistretta said

at 11:41 am on Jan 16, 2010

Hi I teach AP CS to HS Jrs and Srs, as well as robotics and BotBall to HS and Middle school. I have taught CS and robotics to grades 2-12. I am looking for recruiting ideas since I need to meet class size demands with cuts pending.

MDeister said

at 11:21 am on Feb 15, 2010

Some recruiting activities I have done for my computer science classes are: a field trip to a local business that heavily uses computers, personal invitations to students that appear on the AP Potential List created by the College Board, personal invitations to Geometry students who have received an A or B and personal invitations to Honors Geometry students. I also provide a CD to the teacher to play while they are distributing the invitations to their class. If you want to view an example of my CD, the link is: http://fjuhsd.schoolwires.net/17142071616942403/blank/browse.asp?A=383&BMDRN=2000&BCOB=0&C=55325

MDeister said

at 11:25 am on Feb 15, 2010

I am running for the At-large position on the Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) board of directors. Please vote for me. If you are not a member of CSTA, you can join for free at www.CSTA.acm.org. It is a great organization that holds conferences, has blog, newletter, and curriculum for computer teachers.

Allan Cafferty said

at 6:30 pm on Apr 6, 2010

Usually students enjoy the challenge of solving hard problems quickly under time pressure and in a team situation. They get an opportunity to visit a college where they see professors and college students enthused about computer science. They meet other students who love programming as much as they do. http://www.mrpayday.ca

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