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Drama Teachers

Page history last edited by Jen Calipari 12 years, 1 month ago
  • http://twitter.com/jcampolieta Artistic Director/Orchestra Conductor - Simsbury Summer Theatre, Simsbury, CT

  • http://twitter.com/BOTTURArodrigo Drama Club Teacher - São Paulo, Brazil 

  • maskedbadger - Secondary school Drama Coordinator (writer, director, sm, tech, you know we have to do everything!) and Technology Junkie from Perth, Western Australia. 

  • EmRoseElectra - Undergrad at NYU for Educational Theater, recieve degree to teach K-12 Theater in 2010

  • Stagerat76 - Secondary School Drama (and English, when I have to) teacher, director, improv coach and Shakespeare nut, Aurora, Ontario, Canada. Always on the hunt for new, relevant plays.
  • horizons93 Ed Allen High School theatre director and Assistant Principal
  • WandaO -Theatre Arts (I, II, III, IV, V and Stage Crafts) Also English 12 and 10 from Suffolk, Virginia
  • Engekiman - PYP Drama, MYP Drama and IB Theatre @ Yokohama International School, Japan
  • EduNut- Secondary English, Drama, Web 2.0, The art and craft of teaching, theory/practice, social networking as a constructivist learning tool,

    Blog-> EduNut.org  
  • ajtvarok - Technical Director, Theatre Tech Teacher, Abington Friends School - Upper School.  http://patheatreteachersforum.ning.com/
  • improvmama51 - secondary drama and English in Maryland 
  • http://twitter.com/#!/if -  (@if) Secondary drama teacher. Session Lecturer University of Saskatchewan.
  • mizgibson - Amy Gibson. Secondary drama teacher, library media specialist, and tecnhology enthusiast

     • RHSTheatre - Theatre Arts / Language Arts, Richfield High School, UT, : MFA University of Utah

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Comments (4)

April Tvarok said

at 8:49 am on May 28, 2009

Technical Director at Quaker School. Teach grades 9-12 in Technical Theatre classes. Looking for creative ideas and lesson plans in technical theatre. I am also the only technical theatre teacher in the area (Jenkintown, PA) and would love to hear from other teachers about their programs and what they cover.

Wanda Oberdorfer said

at 7:53 pm on Sep 29, 2009

I'd love to have some ideas too. My technical theatre students are mixed with my stage crafts / acting class or are volunteers who do not take the class for credit. For my students, I have placed a script in their hands, assumed the role of director, given them an idea how I have envisioned the set designs then set them free to create a tech design and plot. We are learning how to use some of the free 3D programs on-line to mock up stage designs...I have them do workshops where the advanced tech students train the newbies...I have a growing library of tech books on stage lighting and sound design. I have them do individual research from these books. They keep a journal of notes from these texts/books/manuals and we have class discussions where they teach the rest of the group what they've learned. My limitation is that our stage is at the end of a "cafetorium" which means we have very limited lighting (one batten of elipsoidals, one batten of fresnels, and two rows of border color strips--There's a great book out there called "Stage Lighting in the Boondocks"...I am convinced the author worked on my stage...it's how to do a lot with nothing! but that book gives great suggestions on how to work from scratch. A great project...assume you have nothing...build a tech design from nothing...build your own PAR cans...etc. ... design a lighting tree...Send me some ideas. I'd love to share

Wanda Oberdorfer said

at 7:35 pm on Sep 29, 2009

Wanda Oberdorfer (Theatre Arts Director. Theatre classes: I - Intro to Acting, II - Advanced Acting, III - Dramaturgy and Direction, IV -
Advanced Dramaturgy and Direction, V - Master Class; Stage Crafts (Included Technical theatre), and...Senior English, Tenth Grade English.
I'm desperately looking for quality short plays (assembly length - 50 minutes) for cast of 14 or more (7 male 7 female). I'm been disappointed
with an abundance of short plays offered in the standard catalogs...and blurbs don't tell you anything...you purchase a copy...and discover
you've got a 20 minute script with not much meat...my kids are after dynamic scripts...any ideas?

accumen72 said

at 6:07 am on Jul 20, 2011

Poor drama teachers!

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