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Educational Organizations or Companies
Page history
last edited
by Jen Calipari 12 years, 1 month ago
Special Education Teachers
Reading Teachers
Educational Organizations or Companies:
The Association for Media Literacy. (Ontario, Canada) Non-profit organization dedicated to promoting media education. Resources and articles for teachers and classrooms. On twitter: @A_M_L_
The New York Times Learning Network (@nytimeslearning) Teaching and learning resources using The New York Times. This blog features new daily content, including a Word of the Day, News Quiz, lesson plan, Student Opinion Question, and much more.
FREE Online Peace Education Resources available for all teachers! The Resource contains 21 lesson plans and 28 classroom activities covering topics such as: ending bullying, conflict resolution, interculutural cooperation, the United Nations, and the link between sustainability and peace. Register today!
Goethe-Institut - GI_DAFlehren: Take advantage of our service for German teachers which offers you a wealth of interesting information sources as well as online material
EdTechCrew - Non profit educational podcasting sharing resouces, links and ideas through the story of the hosts and special guests.
Learn and Serve - Michigan is part of the Learn and Serve America grant program essay writers for school age youth rhat funds and assists in the development of high quality service-learning programs. Follow us for great education and service resources @learnandservemi
Celebration2010 – The Celebration of Teaching & Learning is a premiere professional development conference for educators and administrators.
Website Design Company
CONQUER COLLEGE WITH LD or ADD go to http://www.conquercollegewithld.com/handbookoffer.html for a free handbook - "Handbook for Parents of Students with Disabilities"
Developmental Studies Center (DSC) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting children’s academic, ethical, and social development.
- Hoot of Loot - Classified ads for teachers that want to buy and sell educational material. It's also a good way for manufacturers and distributors to sell excess inventory. Hoot of Loot web site.
- K-3Teacherresources - K-3 Teacher Resources and Ideas - Share K-3 Teaching Ideas
CreateDebate.com- CreateDebate is a web-based virtual learning environment that teachers use in the classroom to engage students in the learning process. By infusing an interactive debate into an existing lesson plan, teachers are able to increase participation, improve persuasive writing skills and promote critical thinking.
9thPeriod.com - 9thPeriod.com is a new and exciting academic based social educational network and academic platform. 9thPeriod.com uses Web 2.0 tools and offers parents, students, teachers, academic experts, as well as institutions our services for the purposes of academic advancement.
- Sprout Classrooms - Great source of used classroom supplies for all grade levels-prices average 50-90% off prices in catalogs. No classroom library book is over $3.50, including brand new hard covers. A great way to stock your classroom! Updated often, as inventory is aquired from retiring teachers year-round! Check out the twitter account for constant inventory updates: Sprout Classrooms Twitter Page
- Cobida - The Central Ohio Branch of the International Dyslexia Association (COBIDA) is a non-profit organization formed to increase the public’s awareness of dyslexia in Central and South Eastern Ohio and parts of West Virginia and Kentucky. www.cobida.org
JWTowne - J. William Towne, author of the book 'Conversations with America's Best Teachers'. Check website for teacher bios, free book excerpts and to be able to ask direct questions to the 18 National Teacher of the Year Award winners and finalists featured in the book. See www.motcbooks.com/teachers. You can also email me at jwtowne@gmail.com.
INeedAPencil.com - Free SAT prep resources for students. Run by Harvard students in Cambridge. Has lessons, full-length practice tests, progress reports, etc. On Twitter: INeedAPencil Twitter
Teacher Magazine on Twitter; Home Page at: www.teachermagazine.org
Janice VanCleave--Science author--Check out my website for free science ideas. www.scienceprojectideasforkids.com. Contact me at: ASKVANCLEAVE@aol.com.
@BelieveKids - Believe Kids Fundraising provides educational resources for teachers, educators, PTA and PTO parent groups. Elementary and secondary school fundraising information at www.BelieveKids.com
- @BradStokes Elearning consultant and educational designer working for www.mtraining.com.au under the J2S Group
- BrainPOP people on Twitter Cancer Palliative Care
- SEO Firm
C. Blohm & Associates, Inc. - Public Relations for the Education Industry - Follow us on Twitter: @CBlohmAssoc
- Clerestory Learning on Twitter kdwashburn
- Curriculum Services Canada - The Pan-Canadian standards agency for quality assurance in educational resources. Download teacher-developed resources for use in classrooms for free! Visit our website at www.curriculum.org or follow us on Twitter! (CSCInterns)
- eInstruction
- Described and Captioned Media Program (check out the DCMP on Facebook too!) - We're a U.S. Department of Education-funded library of free-loan accessible (captioned and described) educational videos (on DVD and streamed from our website) for teachers/parents of K-12 students with hearing or vision loss.
- Discovery Education
- Ed Tech Talk
- farroutlinks - Jen Farr, Educational Technology Consultant/NY State Administrator. Blog about Web 2.0 and free resources that can be used to help effectively integrate technology in the classroom: http://farroutlinks.net/blog. Using Twitter to expand my PLN. Email: farroutlinks@gmail.com.
- Fabulous Classroom: Classroom Blog Design and tons of free resources for teachers.
- Hunger Games Lessons - Blog with teaching ideas and resources for teaching The Hunger Games trilogy and other novels at the secondary level
- Kigluait Educational Adventures: Providing customizable project-based simulation curriculum via web 2.0 and videoconferencing.
- Learning Solutions Asia - A digital learning consultancy based in Hong Kong and working to assist K-12 eductors in the region to effectively use Web2.0, netbooks, laptops, IWBs, wireless tablets or any other form of technology to assist effective 21st Century Learning. See http://www.learningsolutions.com.hk
- Make Way for Books on Twitter MakeWayforBooks
- Michigan Association for Computer Users in Learning - MACUL.org
- My eCoach - online community with coaching tools for teachers, principals, librarians, and universities. There are communities for National Board Certified Teachers, Hyperstudio users, principal candidates, book clubs, and more. See our Certificated eCoach program and learn about how teachers can set up Class Teams in a secure online environment for up to 40 students. Over 50,000 free resources and lessons!
- NCTIES - North Carolina Technology in Education Society (ISTE Affiliate)
- NMSTE - New Mexico Society for Technology Education (ISTE Affliate)
- November Learning
- O.A.D.E. - The Ontario Association for Developmental Education - Our website is www.oade.ca
- PearsonTraining - Training resources available for Pearson textbook products.
- prodev - Professional Learning Board (see our FREE Teacher's Toolbar loaded with resources and tools too)
- Promethean - Activclassroom technology including nteractive Whiteboards, Responder Systems, teacher and student software, online teacher community
- Activeducator - Promethean Educationalist & Primary trained teacher from UK
- Planet_Tweets - News and info from the 280,000+ user Promethean Planet free lesson sharing and community website for Promethean Activclassroom or Activboard IWB users. (Note: The Promethean Planet Forum is the most active social media tool among the Promethean userbase - so represents a useful place to follow, start or reference relevant conversations around the Promethean technology platform.
- ACTIVboardNZ resources and tips for the ActivInspire software for interactive whiteboards – with a NZ flavour, but of interest to interest to IWB users anywhere
- RETA - The Regional Educational Technology Assistance program is a statewide professional development partnership helping New Mexico educators and administrators integrate technology into their classrooms.
- SchoolTube - The only safe, moderated, educationally endorsed media web sharing site to upload your media to safely share and view at school and outside the classroom visit: http://www.schooltube.com.
- Solution Tree - As the professional development source for K-12 educators, we offer three tiers of services: in-demand events, innovative publishing, and inspired custom training. The core strength of our products and services are our authors. They are leaders in their fields and have created events and training based on evidence-based research and strategies.
- TeachersIndex.com -Unique teaching articles and teaching resources.
- The International Educator provides a direct connection between international schools that need teachers and teachers that would like to teach their subject in English in a school overseas. Please visit our site for more info about this exciting career move for certified, experienced teachers.
- Lynn B. - (@jlypio35) Program Coordinator for Community Arts Partnerships at the College for Creative Studies in Detroit, MI which provides free art and design classes to over 4,000 Detroit youth each year.
PinnacleOnline - We are a virtual online high school based in Arizona. We now offer unique and engaging courses to students nation-wide.
http://www.plsweb.com -The mission of Performance Learning Systems, Inc. is to enhance education through the development of educational services including seminars, graduate courses, consulting, and quality instructional materials. Follow us on Twitter for education news and notes http://www.twitter.com/plsweb.
• @TpTdotcom - http://www.TeachersPayTeachers.com Thousands of free downloads for teachers; also a place where teachers can sell/buy their own classroom materials (used books, original lessons).
• Scholastic TeacherShare - Teachers share their resources with other teachers (all free)
• Classroom Freebies - All free lessons by teachers all the time
• The Lesson Cloud - Teacher collaborative Blog with free lessons links
WeAreTeachers - Online community of teachers of all types. Teacher social network, Web 2.0, Education, Knowledge Marketplace, school 2.0. http://www.weareteachers.com
Young Rembrandts - "Raising generations that value the power, the passion and the signifigance of art." Afterschool art program for children ages 3.5-13. We teach children to draw using the unique and proven Young Rembrandts' method in nurturing and structured classroom environments. Children learn the fundamentals and value of art as they aquire tools for successful learning and develop increased academic abilities. Offered in schools and park districts nationwide. Learn more and see pictures on our website.
CASLS: Language Resource Center at the Univeristy of Oregon. We provide language teaching tips, curriculum, assessment, and professional development.
Literacy Coaching Services: Networking with other teachers to promote literacy learning.
@SFK_LA-Twitter handle for Success for Kids in Los Angeles-an international non-profit organization, empowering at-risk children and teens throughout the world.
MyTownTutors - http://www.MyTownTutors.com
- Abrams Learning Trends is the home of the Letter People and so much more!
- Core 4 All is dedicated to the improvement of classroom units of study through the use of the Common Core State Standards as the vehicle to drive curriculum. Core 4 All is run by educators currently teaching in the public high school setting. Come vist our blog at http://core4all.wordpress.com
- Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellowship brings exemplary science, technology & math teachers to DC to spend a school year serving a fellowship in the national public policy arena. Tweeting about STEM programs and resources for teachers.
- Triangle Coalition for Science and Technology Education - focusing on STEM education policy, programs, and news
- Independent Schools Queensland - @ISQ_QLD
Student Organizations:
- MoFCCLA - Missouri Association Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA). Students who are taking (or have taken) a family & consumer sciences course are eligible for membership. Visit our Missouri FCCLA website for more information.
- Teaching Resources and Lesson Plans
- new nokia phones
Educational Organizations or Companies
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Comments (1)
Liz Fetter said
at 11:24 am on Nov 23, 2009
I wanted to share a taste of what Young Rembrandts does, check out this SHORT 2min video. http://tinyurl.com/ydwoskm
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