Elementary Teachers
Page history
last edited
by Melanie Strunk 10 years ago
Please place your link under the appropriate heading. While you're here, please help organize the list!
Red means that there is no twitter account called that.
Some names don't seem like they're in the right spot. I was sorting 2nd grade and found a kindergarten and a 4th grade. Did no move them yet. Trying to make a twitter list and find which links don't work first. Next goals: go through and make sure all links open in a new tab. (I found out that it does not remember open in a new tab.)
We need to add the people from the comment section.
I'm only going through the fifth grade for the first few steps today. Might hit this again after winter break ~phjenx - I just made a couple fixes while I was here :-) @martyd101
- askatechteacher Also visit my Ask A Tech Teacher blog, ask questions, give answers
- dianedarrow Kindergarten and sometimes 1st grade teacher, artist, techy, reading recovery teacher, and recovering Montessorian. Looking for global collaborative projects. http://worldtrees.ning.com/ ARTATEL, Solusi komunikasi hemat dan handal TEAK 123 best teak garden furniture manufacturer wholesale in Indonesia Peluang bisnis online tanpa ribet Voucher Hotel Murah di RajaKamar.Com TOP 1 Oli sintetik mobil-motor Indonesia
- jrsteach interested in building PLN around curriculum, instruction, technology, and just discussing educational topics
- mkashley 2nd grade teacher in West Jefferson, NC. I have an experimental classroom. My 12 students work at their own pace and will be with me for 2 years. I would love to collaborate with experts in differentiation, brain research, education the total child. Her profile says kindergarten.
- SmartEdServices- Tweeting educational technology tips, tricks and resources for the classroom
http://www.teachsmart.org/Teacher%20Resources/Conference.aspx Kindergarteners will love SMART Swatting! See a video example here.
- 106K1s - K/1 split class tweeting class events and parent tips
- abbeydani Kindergarten Teacher in Michigan
- ac2steachk - Kindergarten teacher sending resources, observations, and tips for teachers
- dharmazulu Kindergarten Teacher looking for interesting ways to enhance learning with technology, former reading recovery teacher.
- katie_rathmell Previous Kindergarten teacher and now 21st Century Learning Assistant.
- melaniesmith52 Kindergarten teacher in Missouri.
- christikemper Early/Elementary educator Missouri
First Grade
- BOTTURArodrigo reading teacher first and second grades - São Paulo, Brazil
- dstresca 1st grade teacher in South Shore, MA. Blog: http://mrstresca.blogspot.com
- readingteachsu reading teacher first and second grade northern illinois
- michellegravett looking to network with other 1st grade teachers. I'm especially interested in speaking about technology, but any teacher topic is welcomed!
- slaggyc -1st grade teacher in California
- enessman Grade 1 teacher in BC, looking for global collaborative projects and SMART board resources http://enessman.pbworks.com/
- iSalley 1st Grade teacher in Georgia (Atlanta suburbs)
ptoosh 1st Grade teacher in Ballarat, Vic, AU. Interested in sharing ideas/collaborating and gaining new insights/ideas using technology in junior classrooms. My class uses twitter http://twitter.com/troops1psps
- ecce1 Teach grade one in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Blog: http://www.classblogmeister.com/blog.php?blogger_id=264924
- mgiroso Teach 1st grade in Delaware software akuntansi laporan keuangan terbaik
- stephe1234 Teach 1st grade in Michigan, school improvment chair not Boxing Glove, lead teacher Cleaning Supplies
- 106K1s - K/1 split class tweeting class events and parent tips
- MelindaSRES first grade teacher
- snoopyfriends Pre-primary and Year 1 Teacher in Australia, interested Fulfillment SEO Company SEO Expert for money on the web in all aspects of student learning
- Jen_parsonage first grade teacher, Missouri
- blenna - 1st grade Teacher, VA class Blog
- Jaythammel - 1st grade teacher, Missouri.
Second Grade
- BOTTURArodrigo reading teacher first and second grades - São Paulo, Brazil
- ermelhe 2nd grade teacher in Kirkwood, MO, I use ActivBoard, Making Meaning, Being a Writer, Terc Investigations,
- TeachJannaW 2nd grade teacher in Leander, Tx blog: http://teachjannaw.blogspot.com/ Teacher Reflections
- mrdearybury1 2nd grade teacher, NBCT-EC/Gen. in South Carolina.
- teach24_7 second grade teacher in California
- readingteachsu reading teacher first and second grade northern illinois
- sdsouthwell 2nd grade teacher, NBCT - MC/Gen. in Austin, Texas class web page: http://brainybunch.weebly.com/ blog: http://southwell.gullettgeckos.com/
- iteachgrade2 http://www.teacherpage.com/erindenae 2nd Grade teacher in SW Missouri looking for new and interesting ways to use my SMARTboard in the classroom as well as fun and interesting educational websites.
- suser1 2nd grade teacher in WI
- mrsgsclass 2nd grade teacher in WI...2nd grade updates
- mkashley 2nd grade teacher in West Jefferson, NC. I have an experimental classroom. My 12 students work at their own pace and will be with me for 2 years. I would love to collaborate with experts in differentiation, brain research, education the total child. Her profile says kindergarten.
- cartersh 2nd grade teacher in IA
- mrsglynnsclass http://twitter.com/doriedance 2nd grade bilingual math/science teacher in Texas
- nsharoff - 2nd grade teacher in NY
- mrskmpeters (Kristina Peters): 2nd grade ESL inclusion teacher at Spring Lake Magnet in Omaha, Nebraska
Blog: kristinapeters.wordpress.com
Third Grade
- suescott67 - teach grade 3/4 in British Columbia...would like ideas about kid friendly current news sites
- 23thingsproj third grade teacher in a rural area
- nodooley Third grade reading teacher in 1:1 classroom in Bryan, Texas
- http://www.KidsReadAndRide.com Students ride exercise bikes donated from members of the community while reading fun magazines and books! Promote literacy and physical wellness, while having fun!
- tconstantine classroom blogging, have your kids add to our 3rd grade book reviews! http://3rdgradereviewssc.blogspot.com/
- susanajohnson looking to network with other 3rd grade teachers.
- mkirchoff - 3rd grade eMINTS teacher, MO
- learnmegood - 3rd grade math/ELA dual-language teacher in Dallas, TX. Also the author of the humor novel Learn Me Good, a fictional retelling of my first year.
- LitCoaching - Site-based Literacy Coach and Authors looking to network blogging at http://literacycoachingservices.blogspot.com/
- SimplySuzy 3rd grade teacher, with a growing blog connecting school and families: http://blogs.falmouth.k12.ma.us/simplysuzy/
- rosa_grade3 - supporting 3rd grade teachers, looking to share ways to make language arts accessible and engaging for all students
- feaginsclass 3rd grade class looking to develop a network of learners in all subjects.
- TheHomeworkDog 3rd grade teacher in MN- Smartboard user, looking for ways to increase technology in my classroom. Differentiation, guided reading focus in district- Math is my favorite. : )
- kelalford I am a third grade teacher that loves to collaborate with other teachers in all subject areas.
khagemeier 3rd grade teacher in rural Missouri looking for ways to incorporate technology in the classroom and add to my SMARTboard resources.
lshughes 3rd grade teacher in a Catholic school
tomgavin educator - third grade & graduate school - love technology, social media, sharing effective teaching strategies - http://tgavin.com
kmhmartin third grade-having fun learning about technology tools to enhance my teaching
- SaraMc81 - Grades 2-4 learning support teacher in Philadelphia Suburbs
- sisqitman - Job sharing as a third grade teacher 2 days/week & Technology Specialist the other days - work in rural N.CA.
- janalexander_ Grade 3/4 teacher. Bendigo, Victoria, Australia
- dthonus Third grade teacher from Cape Cod, Massachusetts A great place to live, work, and learn! Grad student in Instructional Media Program at Wilkes University. My class website: http://mrsthonus.com
- sweitz508 3rd grade teacher from York, PA, new blogger, loves putting technology in the hand of my students
- krsi77 3rd grade teacher from charter school with a focus on project based learning. I am trying to create a whos who to follow in education. Please add to my blog at http://mrscastro-3rdgradeblog.blogspot.com with the best of the best on Twitter.
- Pam.Teaches.3rd - 3rd with SLD cluster, use HM Reading, new to Twitter
- heatherie73 - 3rd grade teacher in St. Louis, MO suburb; working toward certification in technology and library media; visit my blog of my journey at http://becomingatechteacher.blogspot.com/
- TammyMassman 3rd Grade teacher from Blairsburg, IA interested in breaking down barriers and going global. I love the way technology has transformed my teaching. Follow my class: class website or NEH3rd on Twitter.
- mahlness - 3rd grade teacher, blogger, classroom blogger - Seattle, WA
- jwintergalen - 3rd Grade teacher from St. Louis, MO. I am also an eMINTS for all teacher http://mrswintergalensclass.weebly.com
- kdcotner - 3rd grade teacher from St. Charles, Missouri. I am in the Masters Educational Technology program at Missouri Baptist University. I would love to connect with other educators interested in technology incorporation!
- MrsAMolitor - 3rd grade teacher in Wentzville, MO. I am also in the MET program at MoBap University. I have my certification as a Library Media Specialist too.
- JaneEssenburg - 3rd grade teacher near Grand Rapids, MI, interested in connecting with other educators. I also a starting a class twitter account and would love to have my learners interact with other learners. Brand new, just started, Mrs.E'sClass. And a new blog, Third Grade Thinkers.
Fourth Grade
- @carandas_class 4th grade teacher in Houston, TX at Kolter | http://carandas.wikispaces.com/home
- kilgosclass 4th grade teacher in AL. Click to visit classroom website.
- bkspartan17 4th grade teacher. Central Elementary, Commerce City, CO visit our class website @ http://www.mrkaysclassroom.com. Why is this green?
- whiteheadsclass 4th grade teacher/technology coordinator in AL. Building my PLN interested in technology integration, collaborations, classroom resources, and educational topics. Visit my class site.
- teachkd - 4th grade teacher in PA wanting to connect with teachers using blogs, wikis,podcasting, hitachi board etc.
- angelataumom 4th grade teacher in NJ
- Ateachingheart classroom blogging, service-learning, collaboration http://ateachingheart.blogspot.com/ Historycomesalive 4th grade teacher in St. Louis Missouri.
- ellen_schmitt– Computer Resource Speicalist, Former elementary classroom teacher. Wanting to connect to other teachers who use technology and the Smartboard. Educational bookmarks can be found at http://delicious.com/.links
- ateachingheart 4th grade teacher,Service-learning, student blogging ateachingheart.blogspot.com/
- lrozelle - Elementary teacher for 4th grade; CalState, Los Angeles University graduate student, instructional technology; blog
- Techyturner - 4th grade teacher, Podcaster, Blogger, Thinkfinity Trainer, SMART Board, and tech support for my staff.
- mrhedin- 4th grade- Calabasas, CA
- http://www.KidsReadAndRide.com Students ride exercise bikes donated from members of the community while reading fun magazines and books! Promote literacy and physical wellness, while having fun!
- Paula Naugle - 4th grade math, social studies, and technology - New Orleans. LA - My classroom blog
- Mr. Lister -Collaboration teacher in Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada. Teaching grades 4 - 7.
- BrittanyCagle- 4th Grade student teacher from Michigan State University. Eager to collaborate!
- edSpartan33 - 4th grade student teacher from Michigan State University, also ready to collaborate. Get in touch.
- teach2gt - gr4/5 teacher to gifted students in math and science, Mac user learning to incorporate a MacLab in the classroom
- SaraMc81 - Grades 2-4 learning support teacher in Philadelphia Suburbs
- beccaaugustine -4th grade teacher, getting masters degree in administration, action research project over reluctant teachers and technology
- jcampolieta - Instrumental music teacher insterested in cross-curricular integration of music, literacy, and numeracy
- suzteacher - 4th grade teacher in Westchester County NY adding 21st Century tools to my educational life!
- Michelle Reagan--4th grade math, science, and writing in North Carolina. My classroom website.
- aliringbull gr 4/5 teacher in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. Learning web 2.0 technologies with a goal to incorporate more of them into my French Immersion classroom. Mac user, blogger, tweeter, happy to share any basic tips I've learned; more eager to learn from you! alibull.edublogs.org
- Mrs. Maxwell - 4th grade - Las Virgenes Unified School District
- Patti Grayson - 4th grade teacher - Hampton Roads Academy (independent PK-12), Newport News, VA. PLP blogger and connected coach.
- Mrs. Grayson's 4th Grade - Class Twitter account about our learning!
- 4thgrdteacher- 4th grade teacher in Flushing, MI interested in doing some collaboration and sharing of technology ideas. Here's the link to my student managed website
- lp370714 - 4th grade teacher in Arnold, MO. Graduating with my MET degree this spring.
Fifth Grade
Sixth Grade
- https://twitter.com/6kelley Heath Kelley, De Witt, IA, 6th Grade ELA and Science
- http://twitter.com/8rinaldi - Shirley Rinaldi Upstate New York 6th grade humanities teacher class blog http://shirleys6th.edublogs.org/
- http://twitter.com/mr_macmac - C.McWilliam- KS2 teacher in Liverpool, UK. ICT specialist
- http://twitter.com/jonathanferrell - 6th Grade classroom teacher in Gardner, KS. Class wiki http://mrferrell.pbworks.com/ and education blog http://blogbrotherskc.blogspot.com/.
- @mrshoward118 Sixth grade teacher sharing experiences integrating web 2.0 tools in the classroom. Blog: http://www.yoursmarticles.blogspot.com
- http://twitter.com/keithschoch Sixth grade Reading and Language Arts teacher, especially interested in using picture books with upper elementary and middle grades, and teaching with novels; brand new to Twitter as of December 2009; Blog: http://teachwithpicturebooks.blogspot.com Blog: http://howtoteachanovel.wordpress.com
- - grade 5/6 teacher in chilliwack, BC - working in an inner city school setting
- Mr. Lister -Collaboration teacher in Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada. Teaching grades 4 - 7.
- jansmith - 6th grade, Comox Valley, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Class and student blogs at http://huzzah.edublogs.org
- http://twitter.com/mckaykari 6th grade, McKinley Elementary, Billings, MT. I teach all subjects but alternate teaching science or social studies with my teaching partner each year/TILT 2nd year
- http://twitter.com/cmbelu My name is Carol Lustig, and I teach 6th Grade at Highland Elementary in Billings, Montana.
- bosoxfan9819 I teach 6th grade (all subjects) at a 6 - 12 charter school in Pennsylvania for at-risk students. I am also an IEP case manager, educational technology mentor and classroom management mentor.
- php freelancer from india, developing large scale web based applications.
- twitter@chaugen I teach in the elementary setting (all subjects) in Petaluma, CA. My blog: catinahasbooklice.wordpress.com
- http://twitter.com/MsWelbergen For 8 years, I taught grades 3-6 at Chapman School in Winnipeg, MB. This year, I am joining the team at Beaumont School, Winnipeg, in grade 6. Can. Not. Wait!
PaulsenGreg - 6th grade teacher, tech. trainer, Apple Distinguished Educator, 1-1 iPads in WI.
- hbefort - 4/5 Multiage teacher, Arizona...Would love to collaborate with other multiage teachers!
- MissHeggy - 3/4/5 Multiage teacher in Michigan - My partner (bhanna4) and I would love to add more multiage teachers to our PLN. Check out our class blog - Cornerstones Class
- abcma (Marianne Shibly) ELL teacher for a self-contained classroom for students of grades 4-6 in Seattle, Washington. Walden University graduate MS in Education Specializing in the Integration of Technology in the Classroom.
- Mr. Lister -Collaboration teacher in Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada. Teaching grades 4 - 7.
- http://twitter.com/soingirl- Grade 1/2/3 teacher in small school. New Smartboard user and blogger. Looking to expand my use of tech in the classroom and collaborate with others. http://mrswatson123.edublogs.org/
- http://twitter.com/106K1s - K/1 split class tweeting class events and parent tips along with techy resources
- esum24 K-5 Cross Categorical Special Education teacher. I've been teaching special education for 4 years.
Teaches All Grades
- lise - Aussie teacher who would love to share ideas and thoughts about education with all teachers. New to twitter so it would be nice to tweet with you.
- https://twitter.com/MMBrothers - Technology Support Teacher in Central Ohio for grades K-5. Looking to expand and share my knowledge
- http://twitter.com/ajrath - Title One teacher in Boise, ID. Moving into the Presidency of my local education association. I need to hear what's going on out in the teaching world.
- http://twitter.com/lryan61 - Laurie Ryan, K - 5 School Librarian, Pine Hill Elementary, Sherborn, MA
- @LisaBerkery Elementary Technology Teacher for grades 1st through 6th- Chicago, IL
- @ehabernig I am a Technology Integration Specialist in Kingston, NY. My website for teacher resources www.ehabernig.wikispaces.com
- @PrimaryEdTech (William Lowe) Tech Integration Advisor for an IB PYP international school in SE Asia. Teaching ICT for 5 to 11 year olds. Class blog is here and Professional blog is here.
Elementary Teachers
- @JaneEMarko - Marko & Associates specializes in interactive thinking and educational consulting, including school in-service at all levels, corporate management training and education consulting in other fields. SMART Certified Trainer - More info at: http://markoandassociates.com/ or follow me on Facebook at http://on.fb.me/JaneFacebook Book: Classroom Strategies for Dynamic Teachers available for order at: http://markoandassociates.com/book.html
- http://twitter.com/missnmiller -- SUBSTITUTE SURVIVAL -- blog updates with resources for elementary substitute teachers
- FREE Online Peace Education Resources available for all teachers! The resources contain 21 lesson plans and 28 activities exploring issues such as: ending bullying, conflict resolution, intercultural cooperation, the United Nations, and the link between sustainability and peace. Register today!
hcrompton Educator with a passion for technology supporting in our schools for 16 years and now focusing on a PhD in Technology in Education at UNC-CH Tweets about technology in education
PhJenX - I am a junior at IU Bloomington. I just switched my major from pre-music ed to pre-elementary ed. I would like 2nd grade or above. I think 3rd grade would be cool, and I could offer a 4-H club after school. I barely use my Twitter, but I'm still learning about it.
- Celebration2010 – The Celebration of Teaching & Learning is a premiere professional development conference for educators and administrators.
- StarrMatica Group of K-6 teachers making technology integration easy with interactive reading and math activities @StarrMatica
- Ask a Tech Teacher K-8 tech classes in everything. I love blogs, twitter, wikis, more.
- Wizdommy K-6 teacher from NSW Australia. Excited (learning) about all aspects of ICT integration in the classroom.
- sciauthor - Science author--kids and educators science and math books. Want to share science ideas? www.scienceprojectideasforkids.com or contact me at: ASKVANCLEAVE@aol.com
- theTREASUREtree and TinyAcorns animated and interactive teaching resources for 4 - 7 year olds. http://www.thetreasuretree.co.uk/
- Brendan O'Brien (Brendano)is an eLearning teacher and coach in Australia for DEECD (Vic Dept of Ed) and organises conferences, training and competitions for Australian students. next eConference for teachers is August 3,4,5 online with Elluminate. tom March is Keynote + 18 great workshops from practicing teachers. International guests welcome to register via www.21clearning.globalteacher.org.au Current Australian student competition is 2009 Science Video Competition "60 second challenge" $8000 in prizes via www.60secondscience.net
- ashleyproud Grade 7 teacher at McDowall SS in Brisbane, Qld, Australia. Iblog here and my delicious bookmarks can be found here. Looking to add to my PLN! Feel free to add me and I will add you. Sharing is caring!!!
- JWTowne - J. William Towne, author of the book 'Conversations with America's Best Teachers'. Check website for teacher bios, free book excerpts and to be able to ask direct questions to the 18 National Teacher of the Year Award winners and finalists featured in the book. See www.motcbooks.com/teachers. You can also email me at jwtowne@gmail.com.
- ProfessorMartin - a.k.a. "The Educator Motivator" - award-winning speaker, author, teacher trainer and consultant specializing in the area of teacher retention and student achievement. Founder of New Teacher University
- dobrien917 Blog: Lifelong Learning 2.0
- d_tremblay Elementary School Teacher, Curriculum Consultant willing to share resources on social networks. My blog : Resources for teachers.
- thecleversheep - educational consultant and lifelong learner, I hang my hat at http://thecleversheep.com
- marierush Digital Literacy Teacher in a small K-6 in Florida www.opetechtalk.blogspot.com/
- laroncarter - Former K - 12 Certified Special Education Teacher for Emotionally Challenged Students
- kdwashburn - Research & develop neurocognitive-based instructional programs & professional development
- Sue Interested in info on disgraphia, good websites, parent support
- K-3Teacherresources - K-3 Teacher Resources and Ideas - Share K-3 Teaching Ideas
- Laura4literacy: Elementary teacher with a passion for global literacy (especially Africa)
- http://www.KidsReadAndRide.com Students ride exercise bikes donated from members of the community while reading fun magazines and books! Promote literacy and physical wellness, while having fun!
- stewartj - Elementary Media/Technology teacher, Charlotte, MI; Teknowledgey Intechgration blog, CPS Media & Tech Blog
- mrlosik - Elementary Infotech (library/technology special) teacher; Hamilton, MI; Infotech with Mr. Losik
- wendy_randall - Year 4/5 teacher, Brisbane, Australia
- mrs_craib - K-5 art teacher; 20 year teacher; school webmaster; town art dept webmaster; blog; podcasts (old)
- alicemercer - 1-6 Grade Computer Lab teacher
- clifmims - Clif Mims (blog), K-8 teacher and educational technologist
- paulawhite-K-5 Gifted Resource Teacher and Curriculum Specialist, VA
- mrneedleman - K-5 Literacy coach and Educational Technology Facilitator
- msmyers- K-5 Technology Specialist/ Computer Lab Teacher, Millburn, NJ
- abaralt
- janelowe - Year 4 teacher interested in inegrating technology , Western Australia
- adinasullivan - 3rd grade (mostly ELLs)/Technology Integration Mentor, San Marcos, CA
- bookwyrmish - Lead teacher K-2 multiage classroom, former K-8 Info Media/Tech teacher, PA
- dowbiggin - Grades 1-8 Technology, San Jose, CA
- space
- MaryKK - Grade 4, WI
- kjarrett - K-4 Technology Facilitator/Computer Lab Teacher, Northfield NJ USA
- marragem - Year 2 teacher, Brisbane, Australia
- djuler - Year 4/5 teacher, Brisbane, Australia
- jrsmith-K-5 currently in a teaching program, looking formard to teaching soon, Ks
- loisath - Victoria, Australia - Leading Teacher for e-Learning, ICT Extension for high achieving students grades 2-6 - My ICT Journey
- pennyryder - 4th Grade Teacher, ICT enthusiast, Canberra Australia
- mariak - Kindergarten Teacher, Deerfield New Hampshire, USA The KinderKids
- mrcirce- 3rd grade teacher- Hudson Valley, N.Y.
- gkat - year 4 teacher. Sydney Australia
- beckymullins - 4th grade Technology Rich Classroom, Kansas
- derrallg - 4th grade Cupertino, CA, USA
- mrbalcom - 4th Grade teacher Central Nebraska
- sheilat - K-5 Computer Resource Specialist in Virginia Beach, VA
- alsalmans- going to school to be an elementary teacher - TX
- kathycassidy - Grade 1 teacher - Moose Jaw, SK, Canada. Classroom Blog
- Bonnie Dilling - twitter: bdilling; 2nd Grade Teacher; Elementary/High School Technology Coach
- Marnie Diem - 3rd Grade Teacher - Bloomfield Hills, MI - my website is currently student-secure/for classroom only, but I'm working on the wikis and am big on email exchange for ideas!
- lnitsche - Kindergarten through Sixth grade Gifted Support Teacher- Spring City, PA
- beil - Retired 3rd grade teacher
- poulingail - Kindergarten teacher
- Lea Anne Daughrity - Technology Teacher/Facilitator, Blog, Green180 Project
- netTrekker - K-12 netTrekker integration (maintained by Danielle Abernethy)
- karlyb - K - 8 technology instructor in metro Detroit
- jackilugg - 4th grade, Mullica Township, New Jersey
- wendy_randall - Year 4/5 teacher, Brisbane, Australia
- mrs_craib - K-5 art teacher; 20 year teacher; school webmaster; town art dept webmaster; blog; podcasts (old)
- alicemercer - 1-6 Grade Computer Lab teacher
- clifmims - Clif Mims (blog), K-8 teacher and educational technologist
- lorir - 3rd grade teacher - Texas
- Donna Thaggard - Second grade teacher savannah, Ga.
- janetslee2 - Kindergarten teacher; Savannah, GA
- monroek - Gr. 1-6 Computer lab teacher, Galloway Twp., NJ
- msmithpds - Technology Coach - supporting grades 4th - 6th in Memphis, TN
- h011y - Holly Below, K-5 Technology Teacher and Coordinator, Oakland, CA
- kmbrly101 -going to be an elementary teacher -Portland, OR
- theresamcgeeart - K-5 Art teacher - Chicagoland. The Teaching Palette
- mggale - UK Junior School Teacher
lynnb1968 - Year 5 teacher - Lancashire, UK
vanveghel-K-4 Technology Integrator
linniccox- K-5 Technology Integration Coach, Wichita, KS
celestehopkins - 2nd grade teacher, Cincinnati, OH
perryjohnson - media/tech teacher, Durham, NC. Classroom Wiki
kellyhines - 4th Grade Teacher, Chocowinity, NC Classroom Wiki Blog
barton1875 - year 3 teacher- Birmingham UK Blog
germ79 - 3rd grade teacher and lover of technology - Decatur, IL
geraldaungst - K-5 Gifted Support teacher - Warminster, PA
bcdtech- Science 1-3- Lenox, MA
Mrs_Banjer - Fiona Banjer (2/3 Teacher at Brisbane, Australia)
katiedicesare- Primary teacher, Dublin, Ohio: BLog
- nsharoff - 3rd grade, New York
KevinHodgson -- writing teacher, sixth grade; technology liaison, Western Massachusetts Writing Project, blogging at Kevin's Meandering Mind
jackiegerstein - 3-5 gifted education teacher (see their project @ http://weewebwonders.pbwiki.com/; faculty for online graduate courses;
smartcrazy-1st grade teacher who is crazy about SMART Boards, SD.
Tammie Miles - 2nd Grade eMINTS4ALL Teacher - Francis Howell School District in St. Charles, MO
rego_b - Elementary French Immersion Teacher, BC, Canada
cmtvarok -K-5 Elementary Technology Teacher, Medford, New Jersey http://cmtvarok.wordpress.com
cereseg - 4-5 grade reading and math teacher - Eastman, GA
wants2bbeachbum - 2-4 Computer lab teacher; K-4 tech contact - Springville, AL Website
Colin Becker - R-7 ICT Coordinator and Support Teacher, Adelaide, Australia
cthumphreys- 4th grade language arts teacher, Memphis TN, class blog
robertsm64--4th grade teacher--SMARTBoard user, Portage, WI
teacherkab- Technology Teacher (Grades 1-5) in NJ, STAR Discovery Educator http://technologylessons.blogspot.com/
nanbent - grade 4 teacher in Reading, MA. http://grade4goesdigital.blogspot.com/ Follow me and my class as we blog, podcast, screencast, and more.
kaherbert Technology Teacher K - 5
anabuckmaster - 4/5 math and science teacher, Greensboro, NC http://upperhouse.edublogs.org
robertsm64--4th grade teacher, SMARTBoard in classroom, Portage, WI
debrennersmith@comcast.net - Independent literacy consultant, author http://writingeverydayworks.wordpress.com
fmanning Technology Teacher Grades K-6 & Teacher Librarian
tutor1235 tutor, special ed teacher, online teacher
akenyon 3rd grade teacher, blogger, Winnetka, IL. My blog "Life in Lower School" Classroom blog "The View From 3rd Grade"
kdveiten - 2nd grade math and science teacher, twitter username - kdveiten
wvanroekel - kindergarten teacher - Hospers Iowa - twitter username - wvanroekel
jonelleg - JoNelle Gardner K-5 Technology Specialist/Technology integration
susanmfoster - 4th grade teacher e-MINTS Francis Howell, Missouri
laurakaysmith - elementary teaching working on an EdS in educational technology -www.tinkeringwithtech.blogspot.com
ewitt43 - 4th grade teacher in PA- Starting a worldwide book Blog - Click here for more info.
amanda attard- Year 1 teacher, Sydney Aus
onehundone - guest/substitute teacher K-5
crtwojtera - first grade teacher http://wojtera.edublogs.org
threebee - A primary school inspirer (aka teacher) trying to get science and ict taught effectively to primary kids. Free resources: www.captaincuriosity.net
elemitrt - A K-5 Instructional Technology Resource Teacher. http://tcoffey.edublogs.org
I. Nixon -- Lower School Technology Coordinator (K-4), New York City independent boys school; web 2.0 believer, technology risk-taker, passion for learning
adrianbruce - teacher, creator of free educational resources for reading, writing, maths etc www.adrianbruce.com
mrpbps Primary (elementary school) teacher from Victoria, Australia now an educational consultant blogging at My Other Blog
maryannm - Teacher, grade two, PA - http://www.crsd.org/molishus or http://erasertownusa.blogspot.com
PearsonTraining - Training resources for Pearson elementary products like Envision Math and Reading Street.
oregonsped- Functional academics self-contained classroom K-5 (17 students)
bs917 — mom, writer, teacher certified grades 1-6 in Massachusetts, interested in 21st century Learning & Teaching
tspraul - 3rd grade teacher, O'Fallon, MO
MandyS2 - 2nd Grade Teacher, Illinois, Class Blog World of Wonder
brachsmith - 4th Grade Teacher, Central IL www.mrsssmith.com
- Islandbrian - Intermediate Grade Teacher - Computer Tech - Courtenay, B.C. - Carmi's Blog
- ffoxworth - Technology Integration Specialist, K-5, SC, http://friedafoxworth.edublogs.org/
- glegg - Geoff Legg, Technology Integration Specialist, Holland (MI) Public Schools
- James Ashton - Trainee (for another 3 1/2 months) Primary / Secondary Teacher, UK. Twitter: jamesashton20
- markmarshall6 -2nd Grade Teacher, Technology Facilitator Mark's Blog
- williams406 - 3rd/4th Grade Teacher, Birch Run, MI
- edtechtoolkit--4th/5th Grade Teacher and ed tech enthusiast in Detroit, MI.
- elemtech - K-5 instructional technology resource teacher in Virginia Technology Medley blog
- ninapeery - Technology teacher grades 3-5, Ready Bodies instructor K-2, Keystrokes blog Jungle blog Choose to Move blog
- caitlingraham - 3rd grade/8th grade, interests in reading and special education
- jasonschmidt123 - 3rd/4th grade teacher in Omaha, Nebraska. Very interested in technology resources for the classroom and science and math instruction
- Meghan1st- 1st grade teacher interested in learning how to integrate technology
- nicolelush - grade 1 and 2 teacher, Melbourne, Australia.
- teacherportal - Nora. Grade 1/2 split Seattle, Washington - Become a Teacher blog
- pdskiki - 4th Language Arts - Memphis, TN
- k1looper - Kindergarten/1st grade looping teacher, Sandusky, OH - Class Blog
- kathymaske K-6 computers/ 5-8 Art Illinois Always looking to collaborate with other teachers!
- Progressive_Lit -4th grade teacher in Austin, TX who is passionate about comprehensive literacy
haleon- Chicago K-8 Technology teacher. Love to get ideas on twitter! Class blog
- ChrisLAtkinson -4-5 teacher, tech coordinator, ed tech advocate, blogger, ed tech enthusiast! - other blogs: Staff Blog and Classroom Blog
- plnaugle - 4th grade math and English teacher in New Orleans who loves integrating technology - Classroom blog
- RealAm - UK primary school teacher currently in Year R particularly interested in PSHE and ICT. Also a mother of 2 (boy aged 4 and girl aged 9).
- enichols82 - 4th Grade Teacher in St. Charles, MO. Love to integrate technology, though always looking for inspiration, collaboration and ideas! Started a class blog and class website this year!
- Steven Kaufmann (@yourownteacher) - Former Elementary & Montessori now doing MS Social Studies - Dallas, Texas
- HappyHappyApple - 1st Grade teacher, Southfield, MI. Always looking for efficient ways to integrate technology with elementary students. Here's my blog and class site.
- msreagan - 4th grade Math and Science teacher in Wilson, NC. Love to integrate technology. Beginning my Masters in Instructional Technology. Classroom blog/site: msreagansclass.weebly.com
- Rick Glass, 4th grade teacher in a 1:1 classroom, Global partnering for project/problem-based learning, Northern Indiana, Weblog-Teaching Digital Natives
- MissMarista - 3rd grade teacher in suburban Atlanta; moving to Abu Dhabi, UAE to teach 4th at an international school in August 2009.
- lyttlelf - 6th grade teacher in Santa Barbara, Ca; 5/6 computer teacher; Moodle and SmartBoard user; ed tech enthusiast; love learning new ways to integrate tech in the classroom.
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- techyturner - 4/5/6 grade teacher in Phoenix, AZ. Husband of one, father of one, educator, Technology geek, user of Mac, WIN, and Linux. Always for looking for professional development and effective strategies to integrate technology into my classroom and life.
- LA32-Reading Recovery Teacher in New Hampshire. I also assist other teachers w/tech. help.
- Gale Kelly - 2nd grade teacher in NC. Grad student in Multiliteracies class.
- MissHett- Elementary Teacher w/ Master's in Educational Technology
- sisty46 - First grade teacher interested in technology and collaboration.
- LindaCollins-Kindergarten/first grade teacher in Cincinnati, Ohio
- http://twitter.com/emiliomahtani - Primary school Andalucía, Spain
- rdeich - 3/4 teacher interested in 2.0 collaboration and teacher leadership
- kkerianteacher - 3rd grade teacher in Iowa interested in sharing ideas, thoughts, and integrating more technology. Starting class blog this year. Looking for collaborative activities with other students across the nation or world.
- 2Dogdad - Tech Coordinator and Elementary Teacher - Blog is super.edublogs.org
- Matt Allen (@mjedallen) -- first grade teacher in NE GA-utilizes web2.0 in the classroom
- Erin Borino- K-5 Educational Technologist/Computer Lab Teacher, Rockaway, NJ
- fordhei - Communication Arts Facilitator PreK-5th, St. Louis, Mo.
- Dubois2Teach- Kindergarten/ First Grade Looping Teacher, Sandusky, Ohio
- Tamara Jaimes- 4th grade teacher in Colorado learning about Twitter. Started another page @msjaimes specifically to use with students & families. Interested in blogging with students & using wikis.
- Suser1-Second Grade teacher in Wisconsin who loves to integrate technology into every aspect of learning! Class Web site Class Blog Mrsgsclass: Class updates on twitter
- jdmyrmel 3rd grade teacher in Michigan, would love to collaborate with other classes. We use a class blog and wiki and are thinking of a NING.
- bobgreenberg Second grade teacher, Bridgeport, CT class blog http://thebrainwaves.us
- Stacy Vernon Kindergarten Teacher in Texas follow me @StacyVernon on twitter.
- maxxakahotdog (on twitter) - Grade 2 teacher, Grande Prairie, AB Canada - wanting to blog, create web page and learn more about how to incorporate technology in classroom. grapeape@telus.net
- lowriegirl - Diane Moline - upper elementary gifted magnet program, peer tech coach, Edmonds, WA class web page
- Mathsframe - Year 3/4 teacher trying to make high quality maths resources for interactive whiteboards - http://www.mathsframe.co.uk/free_resources.asp
- http://twitter.com/sonoteverde - New teacher, 4th grade
- dgoulis - first grade teacher, Berea, Ohio
- sdsouthwell 2nd grade teacher, Austin, Tx.
- mkania27 1st grade teacher, Sandusky, OH, would love to hear what others are doing to integrate technology into their schools, especially with Macs, would like to collaborate with other classes.
- teach1st First year in second grade (5th grade teacher for years). I use moodle and vbulletin incorporated into my class web site. I'm good with the tech, but I need tips for second grade. Our blogging was private, but we have written a daily class log for 12 years.
- angiemc99 3rd grade teaching in Wamego, KS and adjunct professor for Baker University's online continuing ed classes for teachers
- lgulley616 3rd grade teacher of Reading, writing, math, and science.
- CassyLL Fourth grade classroom teacher in NJ.
- waltonjm upper elementary teacher in Virginia. I love integrating technology and would love to connect and collaborate with other educators and their classes!
- doriedance 2nd grade teacher math/science bilingual (Spanish) and classroom mrsglynnsclass
- John__ Elementary Principal - Naples Elementary, Uintah School District, Utah
- alyssiahunter British school teacher in Korea. Interested in technology integration.
- marinmacteacher- Tech Facilitator at Bel Aire School, 3rd-5th grades, in Tiburon, CA. Founder of Tweachers.org - a website dedicated to linking Elementary "twittering" teachers -
Tweachable Moments BLOG
- globalrams - My second graders in St. Louis, Missouri, USA tweet daily about the events of the day, student created videos of news reports, writing and more.
- benjaminlatz I am a 1st and 2nd grade teacher (multi-age classroom) in St. Paul, MN
http://twitter.com/cybraryman1- Help for teachers in all subject areas and grade levels http://www.cybraryman.com/0_teachers1.htm
Mr_Sheng Fourth (4th) grade Social Studies and Science teacher in Merion Station, PA
- Brooker1015 - K-5 Technology Integrator, Keystone, interested in web 2.0 in the elementary and special ed classrooms
- MelAWade - Student teacher, Ontario, Canada
- missmom09- Student Teacher, Ontario, Canada
- http://twitter.com/trmaxwell- student teacher, Ontario, Canada
- http://twitter.com/BanksTech - Technology Facilitator, Banks Elementary School (http://webevent.lenoir.k12.nc.us/banks/), Kinston, NC, Gadget girl (http://gadgetcamp.wikispaces.com/), geocaching in education
- http:twitter.com/mbender18 Melisa Bender K-5 Tech Teacher St. Louis, MO
- mrhedin- 4th grade teacher, Calabasas, CA
- sandynay - Audrey Nay. Teacher Librarian and Technology Leader, Sandy Beach Public School, K-6, NSW, Australia
- http://twitter.com/MHMelton -20 year veteran; elementary physical education specialist; King, North Carolina
- http://twitter.com/PoppyMerry - K-6 teacher, tutor, Florida
- http://twitter.com/TuscanyMom - student teacher, Calgary, AB
- http://twitter.com/106K1s - K/1 split class tweeting class events and parent tips along with techy resources
- @sereneyee - Primary and secondary subject specialist whose interests are in 21st century learning and skills development. Currently teaching ICT and literacy, and facilitates technology at an international school in Hong Kong.
- Crikeypotter - I am a elementary K-6 special education SDC teacher in Victorville, CA using technology for all areas of my teaching. I have a website for special education/edtech and I enjoy incorporating Google maps/Earth and Google+ virtual field trips in my instruction. I love all things edtech.
Elementary Teachers
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Comments (11)
Beth Diaz said
at 5:44 pm on Feb 16, 2009
bdiaz- Second grade teacher, Memphis Tennessee
Damon Boyer said
at 5:13 pm on Jul 20, 2009
mrboyer - 5th Grade Teacher and tech enthusiast, Salina, KS
April Brown said
at 11:51 pm on Jul 28, 2009
April Brown Grade Two teacher Grande Prairie, AB Canada maxxakahotdog
Jennifer said
at 10:54 am on Dec 21, 2011
https://twitter.com/#!/phjenx/elem-teachers will have everyone on it eventually. :)
Gina said
at 1:19 pm on Mar 2, 2012
I would recommend putting it on this page:
Tutors 4 Teachers Certification LLC said
at 1:31 pm on Mar 2, 2012
Ok, what do I need to do to get authorization to be on that page?
seymoursimon said
at 4:13 pm on Dec 7, 2012
I invite teachers who use my books in the their classrooms to come to my award-winning site with their classes:
and for great eBooks from my new website:
write to me: simon@seymoursimon.com
seymoursimon said
at 4:14 pm on Dec 7, 2012
oops: http://www.starwalkkids.com/
bschelle@... said
at 12:13 am on Jan 28, 2013
@BarbaraSchelle - I am a Learning Consultant/Case Manager who works with Students with Disabilities in Northern New Jersey. I love social media/technology, and I am very interested in diet and exercise as well as its effects on student learning and behavior. I enjoy sharing and exchanging information related to special education, teaching and learning, positive parenting, and physical/emotional health and wellness.
Beth Ann said
at 6:35 pm on Apr 28, 2014
@CCGaloreandMore - I am currently a first grade teacher from Massachusetts.
htto://www.commoncoregaloreandmore.com This is my website. It includes my funny rants and ramblings about teaching. :)
Admin said
at 7:40 am on May 14, 2014
Nice to see you.
Anyway, http://twitter4teachers.pbworks.com is a great workspace.
This is my workspace http://hantuseo.pbworks.com
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