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English as a Second Language Teachers
Page history
last edited
by Jen Calipari 12 years, 1 month ago
http://twitter.com/#!/ceolayoung (Patricia Ceola) EFL teacher and coordinator in Brazil. Enthusiastic explorer of web2.0 in education. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Ceola-Young-Global-Language-Consultants/130115087042502
Foreign Language Teachers
English as Second + Foreign Language Teachers:
- abcma (Marianne Shibly) ELL teacher for a self-contained classroom for students of grades 4-6 in Seattle, Washington.
- anamariacult (Ana Maria Menezes) EFL teacher and coordinator in Brazil. Enthusiastic explorer of web2.0 in education. Blog: http://lifefeast.blogspot.com
- @ars_zi (J. Ziebs), English and history teacher at an evening school in Germany
B bcinfrance (Betty Carlson) ESL teacher in French business school.
- http://twitter.com/bilinguish Tweets about languages, and learning them, preferably several at a time. Bilingualism, words, teaching, education, Spanish, English, etc. The blog http://bilinguish.wordpress.com/ has content for English language learners, students of Spanish, and teachers.
- brownsl - I am a Speech-Language Pathologist. I post daily Language, Reading, Writing, Spelling, Communication, and Literacy tips.
- @BOTTURArodrigo ESL Elementary Teacher in São Paulo, Brazil
@chucksandy (chuck sandy) author, teacher trainer, curriculum writer, motivational speaker, educational consultant, founder of The Learning Transformation Collaborative, based in Japan
- @davidbdale - My college ESL students love a wiki! Adjunct Professor (ESL) Camden County College, Adjunct Professor Philadelphia Community College (ESL/ENG), Adjunct Professor Rowan University (ENG). Current instructional wikis: ESL Writing 5, ESL Writing 3. Fiction website Very Short Novels.
- dennisbayeng - I am an online English tutor to Koreans and I am from the Philippines. I post useful websites on teaching and learning English and History, as well as other useful sites for teaching and learning. My microblog is @ http://dennisbayeng.tumblr.com/.
- dpenner48@yahoo.com - I teach ESL to adult immigrants in Canada at a private language school as well as private tutoring to a few students. I have just recently learned how to make wikis and blogs from the EVO 2011 conference with Webheads in Action. I have created a blog at http://darlene-lifelonglearner.blogspot.com/ . There is not much on the blog yet as I have just started it a few days ago. I also created a wiki that I would like to use to teach my students about web 2.0 tools and utilize the wiki to help my students expand their learning experiences outside the classroom. I look forward to checking out some of the links posted here and one day soon to add some of my own lesson plans for others to use.
- @EnglishProfi - I focus on EFL trainers and my company English Profi helps freelancers advertise and get new customers. Our job board is free. Come and advertise your service in our directory of professionals, our site is frequently used by companies who need language services. You can also connect with me on LinkedIn where I also have a large group of over 11,000 members English Language Services Professionals.
Kenny Christian
- Mach, David New Jersey Teacher: 7th and 8th grade in urban district with mostly ESL students. My Blog
- Medtech Offers ESL training in Maryland and Virginia. Our program at medtech.edu.
- twitter.com/Mtranslator (Marisa Paván): teacher of English as a second language, translator and interpreter (English/Spanish-Spanish/English)
- masters degree business
- Marie Shuey, ESL High School Teacher , Allentown, PA- mshuey1@stsd.org
- twitter.com/mrdavie (Neil Davie): teacher of English as a Second Language (Business English & Technical English) at the Fachhochschule Südwestfalen (University of Applied Science South Westphalia) in Meschede, Germany. Happy to hear and exchange ideas on integrating web 2.0 into teaching activities.
- twitter.com/mistermikelcc (Mike Richmond): Teaching ESOL for 7 years. Specialist in working with New Arrivals to the UK. Teach full-time at Leeds City College (Trinity ESOL Entry 2/AQA ESOL IT and Tutorials). Blog: Mantras of a Mad Man
- twitter.com/mrskmpeters (Kristina Peters): 2nd grade ESL inclusion teacher at Spring Lake Magnet in Omaha, Nebraska
Blog: kristinapeters.wordpress.com
- http://twitter.com/parrpakala (Jane Curry) TAFE ESL teacher in the AMEP Melb, Aust. New refugees from Burma, learning culture, strategies for teaching and learning, web2 technologies for use in c/room, voicetools, digital stories and photography, text to voice projects...literacy etc
- @prueher: ESL-Teacher in Austrian vocational school (retailers, wholesalers, office- and bank clerks; age 15 - 19; mostly 10-weeks-training courses; (german) Blog: http://lernenheute.wordpress.com)
- @pysproblem81 I'm an ESOL teacher in East London and also have a blog here http://classroom201x.wordpress.com
- @paulharr87 - Trying to help students in developing countries join the 21st Century.
- @ritasimsan teaching ESL and instructional technology while serving as chairperson at MATC-Oak Creek Campus of ESL, Basic Skills, GED, and World Languages Web 2.0 for ESL
- @rosao & @4english teacher or ESOL to adult learners at a technical college, TAFE, in Sydney. Using podcasting and web2.0 with my classes. Class blog Our class 2009, podcasting blogs Let's Talk SI (ESOL listening practice) & Let's Talk (talking practice for ESOL students)
rubyjeansmith - Kristy Smith: Adult literacy teacher at TAFE in Brisbane, Australia. Resume Service
- http://twitter.com.SeanBanville I make free online materials for studying English. My sites include BreakingNewsEnglish.com, FamousPeopleLessons.com, eslHolidayLessons.com, NewsEnglishLessons.com & eslDiscussions.com. More sites on the way.
- @asergioperez My name is Sergio Pérez. I'm a teacher of English as a Foreign Language in the Canary Islands (Spain). I'm exploring web 2.0 with my Secondary school students. Trying to get the most out of social media to connect my students with the world out there. I've got Facebook and Linkedin, as well. My current professional goal is studying in depth everything Moodle has to offer for Secondary school students.
- sevans59 (Steve Evans) Based in Madrid. Specialise in learning resources, information services and ICT. MA in Online & Distance Education. Most interested in supporting learning online and in particular in exploring the affordances of web 2.0 tools in facilitation learning in general and language teaching in particular.
- @SueAnnan on twitter. Based in Jersey, Channel Islands. Teacher of EFL and ESL and Trinity college London CertTESOL course director. Using twitter to keep in touch with educators across the world. Interested in Web 2.0 tools in the classroom, and hoping to enhance training and teaching using them.
- http://www.twitter.com/teach24_7 second grade teacher in California... teaches fully integrated classroom (ELs, Special Ed, etc.)
- Jack Tseng is an EFL teacher in Taiwan, hoping to let his college students engage in cross-cultural writing exchange through twitter.
- @josephtatepo ~ Joseph Tatepo EFL & ESP teacher, educator,iInstructor, blogger, polyglot and course designer. Ongoing MA in Digital Technologies, Communication and Education. Interested in how different cultures can use technology and web 2.0 tools to enhance learning and trends in digital learning systems. www.josephtatepo.com
- tofubeth (Beth Evans) is an ESL teacher in Vermont. I've taught from K-college, and am interested in tech integration.
- http://www.twitter.com/ELLTeacher (Amy Trujillo) is an ELL teacher, technology instructor and writer in Kansas.
- @willycard Brazilian EFL teacher and Education student . DoS at English in the Office school, teacher-trainer with Super Teacher, both in Sao Paulo. I'm interested in exploring and facilitating person-centered education.
- Web Design Firms
Materials for conversation classes http://www.kalinago-english.com;
Blog with tech-tips, lesson plans, notes on teaching, mentorship and workshops http://kalinago.blogspot.com & Blog with tips, tricks and real strategies for learning English http://how2learnenglish.blogspot.com Zenmed Review
- @tefltech (Richard Turnbull) EFL Teacher and Teacher Trainer based in UK, specialising in helping teachers use technology in their classrooms. www.tefltech.com
- Tony Watt DELTA, MA TESOL. Specialist in Educational Management, Teacher Training and Course Design. Join my PLN on Twitter @cuppa_coffee or Google Wave anthonywatt@googlewave.com. Follow my blogs about Applied Linguistics and Social Theory at micronarratives or learning and teaching using web2.0 at eclecticism2.0 blog.
- @EnglishProfi - I am here to help EFL trainers find new clients. At English Profi we want to gather all English language services professionals in one place so companies and the public can find you. http://englishprofi.com/ is offering 3 months free membership for a limited time. Give us a try and contact me any time with your feedback. Kenny Christian
- @bcinfrance EFL teacher in France; teach mainly university-level business English courses (BTS, Ecole de Commerce) but also do some training for companies. I formerly taught French in a USA high school. My blogs (that don't have a lot to do with teaching): http://franceprofonde.blogspot.com ; http://and-so-forth.blogspot.com I'm interested in Twitter contacts about teaching, though.
@Shookspeare: Gordon Luster, VP, Language Education and Research Network, Inc. -- producer of web content for reading and listening
@DottieDotlish: tweets in easy English for learners; DJ on blip.fm (by @Shookspeare)
@RosieBee63: Ten years ESOL teaching background -certified adult and secondary education, BA Linguistics; currently Curriculum Coach and ELL Facilitator in a Phoenix, Arizona charter high school. I'd like the opportunity to collaborate with others of like mind and profession.
@zapoteco Mexican TESL teacher. Six years teaching English as a Second language in Mexico. Private Junior High School in Oaxaca, Mexico.
Basri - English Language Teacher, SMK Dato' Wan Ahmad Rasdi, Changkat Jering, Perak, Malaysia. [Teaching Blog]
@rosao & @4english teacher or ESOL to adult learners at a technical college, TAFE, in Sydney. Using podcasting and web2.0 with my classes
@barbsaka: EFL teacher, teacher trainer and writer in Japan. Also have a blog: www.teachingvillage.org
@NikPeachey : Nik Peachey | Learning Technology Consultant, Writer, Trainer and ELT Blogger. See: Learning Technology: http://nikpeachey.blogspot.com/ Student Activities: http://daily-english-activities.blogspot.com/
@larryferlazzo Larry Ferlazzo, ESL high school teacher in Sacramento, CA; have a blog for teachers and a website for students.
@metaweb20 Frank Stonehouse Lupo, The Divergent Learner | Mexico English Teachers' Alliance (META) - EFL teacher trainer and teacher, Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM), Instituto Angloamericano, Cambridge TKT Local Area Exams Admin. Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico
@chriscattaneo EFL teacher - http://teachinglife.edublogs.org - and teacher trainer - also CELTA http://celta.edublogs.org. E-learning teacher : I think these Twitterers post really interesting and useful info and links : @NikPeachey, @larryferlazzo, @farang_utang, @tefltech, @ShellTerrell, ....(tbc)
@CassyLL Fourth grade classroom teacher in a transitional bilingual program in NJ.
@annmic Secondary school Oslo Norway, web-page: Teaching English using web 2.0,
@magpieima ESL teacher in Portland, Oregon working with beginning level young adult learners and blogging at Herding Cats pacquiao vs mosley live stream pacquiao vs mosley
English as a Second Language Teachers
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Comments (9)
Sigi said
at 4:54 pm on Feb 3, 2009
Sigi EFL Teacher from Germany, teachers trainer new media, moodle, ePortfolio .... www.school-networking.de
Kenny Christian said
at 8:37 am on Apr 21, 2009
@EnglishProfi - I am here to help EFL trainers find new clients. At English Profi we want to gather all English language services professionals in one place so companies and the public can find you. http://englishprofi.com/ is offering 3 months free for a limited time. Give us a try and contact me any time with feedback.
Carlos Barrera said
at 9:18 pm on Jun 9, 2009
Hi!! I am Carlos, I am teaching English Forign Language at a university and English academy. Looking for an opportunity to teach abroad. I am married, 2 children. I am 34 years old.
LaurieAnne said
at 1:49 pm on Jun 16, 2009
First time looking at this site. It looks like a great resource. I'm looking forward to sharing. I'm currently a Curriculum Coach for teachers in a charter high school in Phoenix, Arizona. My background is in Linguistics and TESOL.
Sebastian Kent said
at 5:53 am on Jul 21, 2009
I am now working with a company that has developed an excellent elearning EFL portal, application and service, especially for independent EFL/ESL teachers.
It is a sophisticated online system which enables independent EFL teachers to deliver courses to students both locally and internationally. £3 million has been spent developing the system which consists of a user-friendly web platform, software, teaching materials and tools.
The teacher and student don't have to be online at the same time, so they can both work when and where they want
The teacher chooses their hours and the rates they want to charge. They also choose amount of work they want to do.
Teachers don't need to waste time and money travelling to students, and won't need to rent office space, or buy expensive teaching materials
Its easy to use and free training is given
Teachers are free to customise the standard courses provided, or to create their own courses from scratch.
If you want to find out more please email me at
Ana said
at 7:48 pm on Oct 1, 2009
This is my first time in this site. I find it really useful and enriching! I´m a teacher of English working in different companiesas well as working as a coordinator in a private English institute. Look forward to sharing job experiences.
Marie Shuey said
at 9:56 pm on Jan 21, 2010
Hi, this is a great site for me to meet instructors and acquire new ideas and suggestions from peers.
Kaja Fusano said
at 9:58 am on Jul 1, 2010
What an interesting website! I discovered that there is even a teacher trainer based in Italy (Abruzzo).
Looking forward to expanding my knowledge in using technology in the classroom
Smith said
at 8:48 am on Jan 17, 2011
English is a medium of instructions. This is the reason why there is a need to study English
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