
Foreign Language Teachers

Page history last edited by usamimi74 10 years, 7 months ago

Foreign Language Teachers Foreign Language Teachers:

  • andrea reinsmoen - French and Spanish teacher, American School of Bombay
  • alenord (Amy Lenord) - Spanish teacher and enthusiast, interests: performance based instruction, technology, coaching proficiency 
  • Profi Schnelldienst / Translator new nokia phones
  • amandasalt - Head of Spanish, Grosvenor Grammar School, Belfast 
  • amckague 
  • bellaale - French & German, Ballard School, New Milton, Hants, UK
  • verfugen Brigham Young University
  • Bilinguish - Tweets about languages, and learning them, preferably several at a time.  In Spanish and English.
  • blagona - Head of Language College, Northgate High School, Ipswich, UK
  • chericem - Cherice Montgomery, Brigham Young University
  • corderg - French teacher and Dir. of Educational Tech., Trinity Valley School, Fort Worth, TX 
  • degroote44 - HS Spanish Teacher.  Waukee, IA USA 
  • diegoojeda66 - Spanish teacher and presenter.  Evansville, WI USA 
  • froggyval - Valerie McIntyre , Blue School. Wells, UK 
  • imprägnieren  DaF-Unterricht sowie Infos zu Qualifikation
  • gaugler - Associate Professor of Spanish, Marist College
  • GI_DAFlehren - Information for teachers of German as Foreign Language / Anregungen u Materialien für den DaF-Unterricht sowie Infos zu Qualifikation, Stipendien und Fortbildungen.
  • IsabelleJones  -Head of Languages, The Radclyffe School, Oldham UK
  • joaoa - German / Portugal
  • joedale
  • justintarte  - German - High School
  • Langwitch (Helena Butterfield)
  • lindseybp (Barbara Lindsey, University of Maryland, formerly University of Connecticut)
  • lisibo
  • lrosen (Lauren Rosen, Univ. of Wisconsin) Language technology integration specialist, Spanish Educator, World Language Technology consultant
  • sraoconnor-  High School Spanish teacher, Vermont, USA 
  • madamesenora
  • mamez   EFL teacher in Argentina (native lang. Spanish)
  • mmelayman - Lissa Layman, French teacher in South Carolina
  • mrslwalker - Head of MFL Faculty, Westfield CTC Herts UK
  • natluer- French teacher in Arkansas
  • pythy
  • shulerd  Debbie Shuler, Spanish 9-12, NC
  • sonrisa del campo - High School Spanish teacher, Pennsylvania, USA
  • spanishplans - Spanish teacher and teacher-author
  • versiegeln  French & Spanish teacher
  • Generic Ambien - Zolpidem Tartrate, USA
  • usamimi74 -French (Liberty, MO, USA)
  • ajep - Japanese / French; Sydney, Aus

etalbert -NSW, Australia (World Language Teacher, Principal, and IT/curriculum manager in Department of Education) http://talbertstechtalk.blogspot.com/



Comments (21)

Sue Grade 6 French 1st language said

at 7:02 am on Mar 19, 2009

French 1st language grade 6, Pomquet, Nova Scotia looking for info on disgraphia

Cary Powers said

at 4:55 pm on Jun 15, 2009

I recommend lingtlanguage.com. It's great for speaking activities/tests.

Rawleycat said

at 6:27 am on Jul 3, 2009

I am just finding my way through my first visit here. I am a high school French teacher from the Binghamton, New York area. Does anyone know of a site where I can look for partners for a school to school exchange with a French school? We have a partner now near Paris, but they say they can't take us in July anymore, and want us to come in April. But our school won't let us lose any classtime.

sportsguy1@... said

at 8:40 pm on Aug 17, 2009

Hello. I am a third year Spanish Teacher in upstate New York. I teach grades 7-8. Does anyone have any exciting activities that they do with their students during the first few days of school? I am spending some time on classroom management, but also want to spark their interest in Spanish.

Joan Rojas said

at 3:40 pm on Aug 20, 2009

Hola sportsguy1 . You might want to check out www.lacasarojas.com It's a Spanish language magazine that publishes new editions every 2 weeks. It includes downloadable audio files of the articles that are written from all over Hispano America and Spain. You could play the audio files, ask the students to write down what they hear and then give them eventually the written transcript. The student that recognizes the most words or can answer a list of questions you put together about the content, wins a virtual trip to that country....or a candy bar. Which ever would motivate them the most! I am Joan Rojas, the Editor in Chief of the Magazine. We offer subscriptions at discounted rates for schools .... check us out. There are 6 articles open and liberated so that you can hear them completely .... just click on the Category FREE!!! LISTEN!!!! to find them. Saludos, Joan

Karen Frosch said

at 3:39 am on Mar 21, 2010

Do you happen to be interested in a teacher exchange with Berlin for 6 months? Or do you know anyone who might be? Greetings, Karen

Li Garza said

at 8:51 am on Nov 20, 2009

I am looking for Chinese(Mandarin) teacher. Thanks!

Karen Frosch said

at 3:36 am on Mar 21, 2010

Hola, I am a Spanish / English teacher from Berlin, Germany teaching grades 7-12. I am looking for an exchange partner from San Francisco, New York or other big coastal cities to swap jobs for up to six months. I hear it's a rather difficult process but worth a try. Great, Karen

Lesson Plan Cloud said

at 7:34 am on Mar 25, 2010

We just wrote this article and published it on answerblip about the colors of the french flag if you want to link to it http://www.answerblip.com/what-do-the-colors-of-frances-flag-stand-for

Brenda Hernandez said

at 4:38 pm on Apr 15, 2010

I am an online Spanish and French teacher in Nevada. All information and resources are welcome.

Custom Essay Writing said

at 2:46 am on Jun 29, 2010

This is an amazing link, helped me a lot. Please tell me as an English teacher of New York, is there any website that help me to connect with my students. Thanks. I personally like your post, keep up the good work.

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emily.parrr said

at 7:27 am on Jul 14, 2010

this kind of blog always useful for blog readers, it helps people during research. your post is one of the same for blog readers.


Jill Arnzen said

at 2:54 pm on Aug 30, 2010

I am looking for Online Foreign Language Teachers to teach HS students. We are a distance online learning company that services MS and HS students in the US. KC Distance Learning. I would love to hear from anyone interested. jarnzen@kcdistancelearning.com

jogo6 said

at 9:22 am on Aug 5, 2011

Hi Jill...
I am interested in your post. I teach Online Spanish II to high school students in South Dakota. This will be my first year going online. I have taught via distance (cameras in my local site and in remote sites). goetzj@northern.edu

Nita Sharma Yajnik said

at 10:43 am on Feb 19, 2011

Hi Jill Arnzen,
I teach Hindi as a foreign language. I have taught Hindi language at high school and university level in USA.I would be interested if you have students for Hindi language. My email is nita.yajnik@gmail.com

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